Tacy Medical, Inc. Corporate Office
2386 Shannon Road
Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034
+1 800-874-8672 | Customer Service
+1 904-261-0151 | Directo
+1 904-261-3762 | Fax
Departamento de servicio al cliente
mailto:[email protected]
2386 Shannon Road
Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034
+1 800-874-8672 | Customer Service
+1 904-261-0151 | Directo
+1 904-261-3762 | Fax
Departamento de servicio al cliente
mailto:[email protected]
Direcciones desde Jacksonville al aeropuerto
- Tome la I-95 norte 15 millas hasta la autopista. A1A
- Salga de la autopista. A1A y gire a la derecha (este)
- Go 15 miles, crossing over the intra-coastal bridge.
- Take first right after bridge onto The Amelia Island Parkway.
- Go one and a half miles just past the local airport.
- Tacy Medical is on the right just before The Amelia Island Parkway forks into two roads.